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Fundamentals of Investment (Orissa Univ)

Student Price 310.00

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The story of investments begins with an understanding of the basic fundamental concepts of differences between investment, speculation and gambling. It explains the how, where and why while making investments. The aim of this book is to keep the investment safe. Most young people trade in stocks and say that they have made an investment and lost money. They are not investing as they are not following the process or path of investment. They are speculating only to make profits. This book explains how money should be invested for long term period of time and how it should be safe and protected.

This book has been written for students of Orissa University explaining the investment horizon in India. It gives the investor choices of diferent kinds of investments and it explains the theories of investment such as fundamental analysis, techinical analysis and efficient market theory.

It is a student-friendly book. It provides an understanding of how to operate in the stock market and to make a portfolio with best options. Some of its important features are the following:

– It explains the investment environment in India and how new issue market and stock market are related to each other.
– It has explained the Demat system and how stocks and shares can be traded online
– It explains of valuation of equity shares and bonds.
– The various theories of Fundamental analysis, technical analysis and Efficient Market Theory are discussed so that the investor understands the fundamentals of how stock markets operate.
– To provide good efficient portfolio, different theories like portfolio theory and capital market theory have been discussed.
– The difference between Capital Market Line and Security Market Line are explained.
– It has provided an explanation on mutual funds and other investments.
– It has given the basic explanation of derivatives like futures and options.


Contents –

Unit I : Invesment Environment
1. Introduction to Investment Management
2. The Indian Securities Market
3. Trading of Securities
4. Risk and Return
Unit II : Fixed Income Securities
5. Fixed Income Securities Analysis and Valuation
Unit III : Approaches to Equity Analysis
6. Equity Stock as an Investment
7. Fundamental Analysis
8. Technical Analysis
9. Efficient Market Theory
Unit IV : Portfolio Analysis and financial Derivatives
10. Portfolio Management
11. Mutual Funds and Other Investments
12. Financial Derivatives
Unit V : Investor Protection
13. Securities and Exchange Board of India