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Political Science


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The book has been divided into two parts: Part I: Political Theory, and Part II: Governmental Machinery. The table of Contents and the Index are fairly detailed. This will enable the reader to reach the required topic of sub-topic in a second. At the end of each Chapter, Summary has been given.

Contents –

SECTION − I : Introductory Topics
1. Definition, Meaning and Nature of Political Science
2. Scope and Methodology of Political Science
3. Political Science and Other Social Sciences
SECTION − II : State, Government, Association and Nation
1. State and Its Nature
2. State and Nation
SECTION − III : Origin of State
1. Social Contract Theory
2. Theory of Drive Origin and Theory of Force
3. Patriarchal and Matriarchal Theories
4. Historical or Evolutionary Theory
SECTION − IV : Historical Growth of State
1. State in Ancient Times
2. Medieval State
3. Modern State
SECTION − V : Sovereignty
1. Meaning and History of Sovereignty
2. Kind of Sovereignty
3. Austin`s Theory of Soverignty
4. Soverignty and Pluralists
SECTION − VI : State and Individual
1. Law
2. Citizenship
3. State Authority and Obligations and Rights of Individual
4. Liberty
5. Equality
SECTION − VII : End and Functions of State and Sphere of State Activity
1. End and Functions of State
2. Idealist Theory of the State
3. Individualism and Liberalism
4. Utilitarianism
5. Capitalism and Democratic Socialism
6. Collectivism or State Socialism
7. Fabianism
8. Syndicalism
9. Guild Socialism
10. Communism
11. Anarchism
12. Fascism
13. Nazism
14. Gandhism and Sarvodaya
SECTION − VIII : International Law, War and Peace
1. International Law
2. International Relations, War and Peace
SECTION − I : Forms of Government
1. Comparative Study of political Institutions and its Limitations
2. Classification of Government
3. Monarchy and Aristocracy
4. Democracy and Its Rivals
5. Dictatorship
SECTION − II : Division of Powers
1. Unitary Government
2. Federal Government
1. Constitutionalism, and Written and Unwritten Constitutions
2. Flexible and Rigid Constitutions
SECTION − IV : People
1. Electorate
2. Representative
SECTION − V : Legislature
1. Organisation of Legislature
2. Powers and Functions of Legislature
3. Direct Legislation and Delegated Legislation
SECTION − VI : Executive
1. Organisation of Executive
2. Powers and Functions of Executive
3. Parliamentary Executive
4. Presidential and Other Types (The Swiss and the USSR)of Executive
5. Administration and Civil Service
6. Consultative and Advisory−Bodies
SECTION − VII : Judiciary
1. Organization and Functions of Judiciary
2. Rule of Law, Administration Law and Administrative Tribunals
SECTION − VIII : Separation of Powers
1. Montesquieu`s Theory of Separation of Powers
2. Application of Montesquieu`s Theory of Spearation of Powers
SECTION − IX : Public Opinion, Political Parties and Pressure Groups
1. Public Opinion
2. Political Parties, Pressure Groups and Lobbies
SECTION − X : Local Government
1. Organisation and Functions of Local Government
2. Local Government in Different Countries
SECTION − XI : International Organisations
1. The League of Nations
2. The United Nations Organisation


Year of publication







956 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




B.K. Gokhale,

D. Srinivasan


Himalaya pub