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Social Pharmacy (Theroy) (DPharm, PCI)



The present textbook on social pharmacy, covers the syllabus prepared by P.C.I. as per education regulation 2020. Social pharmacy is of paramount importance in maintaining the peoples health and is the back bone of professional pharmacy services. A pharmacist well versed–with the subject will be more patient oriented. The matter has been presented in the eassy manner to prepare the students for the better understanding of the course of on clinic pharmacy. The objective of the authours is fully achieved by systemic assemblage of the well – written chapters with neat and clean well – labelled diagrams wherever necessary this is an added advantage the book will give to the readers of any walk of life.

Contents –

1. Introduction to Social Pharmacy
Introduction to Social Pharmacy, Concept of Health, National Health Policy. Development Goals.

2. Preventive Healthcare – Role of Pharmacists
Mother and Child Health, Overview of Vaccine, Effect of Environment on Health. Psychosocial Pharmacy.

3. Nutrition and Health
Definition, Basics of Nutrition, Balanced Diet, Ill Effect of Junk Food, Calorific and Nutritive Values of Food, Fortification of Food, Food Safety, Dietary Supplement, Nutraceuticals, Food Supplements.

4. Introduction to Microbiology and Common Microorganisms
Microbiology, Epidemiology, Respiratory Infections, Intestinal Infections, Arthropod – Borne Infections, Surface Infections, Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

5. National Health Programme
Healthcare System.

6. Pharmacoeconomics
Introduction, Objectives, Need and Scope, Applications of Pharmacoeconomics.


Year of publication





204 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Dr. Anshu Rupesh Dudhe,

Dr. Nandlal Singh,

Dr. Raghuveer Irchhaiya,

Dr. Rupesh Dudhe,

Dr. Shailendra Singh


Himalaya pub