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Beginners Forensic Science


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Forensic Science is an emerging discipline. Today, the world is revolving around multidisciplinary aspects. Forensic Science is such a field where it consists of science, technology, social science, and law. The aim of this book is to provide substantial knowledge to the reading fraternity about how Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer Science involved in the process of forensic examination.

The book is organized into 11 chapters. Chapter 1 gives introduction to overview of forensic science and ethics of forensic expert. Here, it has glimpses of FSL and historic people who contributed to forensic science.

Chapter 2 gives principle of forensic photography and different crime marks and impression. It emphasizes on procedure for proper ocumentation.

Chapter 3 describes various types of fingerprints, ridges characteristics and identification. This chapter also gives insights on detection of latent fingerprints.

Chapter 4 mainly involves on blood, saliva and semen. Here, composition and functions of blood, saliva and semen are discussed. Various tests and their mechanism of detection of blood, saliva and semen are explained here.

Chapter 5 deals with Forensic Odontology and Hair. This chapter broadly explains about forensic aspects of teeth and hair.

Chapter 6 provides information on DNA and structure and functions of the DNA. This chapter illustrates the importance of DNA in paternity issue.

Chapter 7 deals with various abusive drugs and their ill-effects. This chapter extensively gives knowledge of how to detect various abusive drugs using chemical and instrumental technique.

Chapter 8 describes gunshot residue formation mechanism. This chapter explains GSR collection and its detection using SEM/EDX and other colour-based methods.

Chapte 9 involves explosives and their classification. This chapter describes about properties, preparation and detection of various explosives such as RDX, TNT, PETN, etc.

Chapter 10 gives various methods to approximate time of death.

And last Chapter 11 details out digital forensic. Mainly, this chapter involves email and cellphone forensic.


Contents –

1. Introduction to Forensic Science
2. Crime Scene Photography
3. Fingerprint
4. Forensic Serology
5. Forensic Odontology and Hair
6. DNA
7. Abusive Drugs
8. Gunshot Residue (GSR)
9. Explosives
10. Post-mortem and Time of Death
11. Digital Forensic


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Chitrakara Hegde,

Shekhar R.


Himalaya pub