A New Approach to The Study of Banks and Banking in India
Banking system is called the lifeblood of an economy. Banking as a discipline has evolved over the centuries the world
A Study of Retention and Motivational Practices in Banks with Special Reference to Mumbai City
This book has captured the essence of human resource in the banking sector in India. In any economy, the banking
A To Z of Banking & Finance
A to Z of Banking and Finance offers up-to-date terminology from the world of banking to public finance and financial
Bank Credit Management
Credit administration has been evolving and now more then a century old. In Europe, it is more than three centuries.
Bank Credit Management Text & Cases
Economic reforms which the country has been witnessing for over the last one-and-half decades have radically transformed the operational environment
Bank Lending
Kautilya’s “Arthashastra” describes the qualities of a person with whom the people should keep their valuables when travelling abroad. It
Bank Marketing
Corporation made ways for the development of corporate culture which opened doors for the emergence of techniculture. The new generation
Banking – Theory and Practice
India has reached a stage of fast economic development and Indian economy is one of the fastest growing economies of
Banking and Financial Services
India has experienced an economic transformation since the liberalization process began in the early nineties. In the last few years,
Banking and Insurance
During worldwide recession of 2008, India suffered a least but had a unprecedented change in its financial architecture. Globalisation has
Banking and Insurance by Prof. E. Gordon, P.K. Gupta
The speciality of this volume is that all matters are presented in lucid manner and in a simple language no
Banking Theory, Law and Practice
The banking scenario in India is changing fast to keep pace with the international banking practice. As a result, the
Banko me Dhokhadhadi Savdhaniya aur Bachav ke Upay बैंकों में धोखाधड़ी सावधानियाँ और बचाव के उपाय
धोखाधड़ी पर इस पुस्तक की रुपरेखा वर्षों पूर्व अनुभवजन्य विचारों को मूर्त रूप देने की दॄष्टि से बनाना प्रारंभ किया
Banks and Institutional Management
The economic development depends upon a multiplicity of factors. Amongst these varied factors, the rate of capital formation is one
Basics of Banking and Finance
The process of financial reforms and globalisation have now gathered considerable speed in India. Changes are taking place in the
Basics of Banking for Freshers
Banking, world over, has been changing. India is no exception. Some factors of change are common all over the world,
Business Planning and Regulations
Business Planning and Regulations is a subject everybody should know. We complement the faculty of Commerce and Management for introducing
Capital Adeqacy Requirements and Indian Commercial Banks
In July 1988, ‘International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Captal Measurement and Captal Students’ Generally know as the Basel Capital
Corporate Banking
Corporate banking has been playing fabulous work in shaping the future of the corporate and in turn the nation. Wherever
Corporate Governance of Commercial Banks in India
The book makes a thorough study of the evolution of corporate governance, with a focus on the commercial banking sector