
K. Aswathappa

Dr. K. Aswathappa has a vast and diverse teaching experience, spanning over a period of nearly four decades. He has the honour of occupying many important positions in Bangalore University. He was the Chairman of Department of Commerce; Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management; Director, Canara Bank School of Management Studies and Member of Syndicate, Senate, and Academic Council. Now retired, he is spending all his time in reading, updating titles in circulation and writing new ones. Besides guiding 25 Ph.D. research scholars, Dr. Aswathappa is also credited with adjudicating theses of other universities. He takes interest in content development and has been instrumental in revising syllabi of all Commerce and Management courses periodically, in order to make them reflect current developments in business world. His contribution to business education, though little, is significant, especially in Karnataka. At his instance, a course on business studies was introduced for plus two students of Commerce stream in the state of Karnataka, and he was invited by the National Book Trust to develop content for a course on factory organisation for CBSE students. Dr. Aswathappa has been an author of three decades standing, having authored books on Human Resource Management, International Business, Organisational Behaviour and Business Environment. All his books are bestsellers and have run into multiple editions and reprints which demonstrate their acceptance all over. He has enriched his titles with unique didactic aids, such as "Running Cases", "Walk the Talk", "Successful Manager", "Pause and Ponder", "Relook", "Self-Check", "Reinforcing Exercises" and the like. His writings reflect as much success stories of Tatas, Birlas, Ambanis, Mittals, Murthys, Azim Premji and Bill Gates as workplace harassment, beheading of expatriates, murdering of HR executives inside factories, plight of female employees in garments units, families living on pavements and impoverished children, and so on.

Books Of K. Aswathappa

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Organisational Behaviour

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