Advanced Economic Theory
The current book is on “Advanced Economic Theory” which constitutes Paper IV, for students offering Economics at the Third Year
Advanced Financial Management
It is a matter of great pleasure to present this new edition of the book on ADVANCED FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT to
Advanced Financial Accounting
It is a matter of great pleasure to present revised edition of the book “Advanced Financial Accounting” to the students
Advanced Financial Accounting (Mumbai Univ)
It is a matter of great pleasure to present revised edition of the book on Advanced Financial Accounting to the
Advanced Java (Mumbai Univ)
The evolution of advanced object oriented programming language such as C++, Java has provided very effective and efficient programming tools.
Advanced Web Programming (Mumbai Univ)
It is a great pleasure in presenting First Edition of this Book “Advanced Web Programming” to the students of T.Y.
Advertising and Sales Promotion (Sem 6, Mumbai Univ)
With increase in competition from national and international players in the market, Sales Promotion has become imperative in any promotion
Advertising Design (Sem 6, Mumbai Univ)
Welcome to the world of advertising design! In today’s competitive business environment, effective advertising design is crucial for building brand
Advertising in Contemporary Society (Sem 6, Mumbai Univ)
It gives me immense pleasure to present this first revised edition of Advertising in Contemporary Society to the teachers and
Agency Management (Sem 5, Mumbai Univ)
It gives me immense pleasure to present this First Edition of Agency Management to the teachers and students of BAMMC
All in One
This book is user-friendly and different. As one goes through the book, one will feel the difference, and this will
Analytical Chemistry (Mumbai Univ)
This book has been written keeping in mind the revised syllabus and related requirements of M.Sc. students, which can help
Android Developer Fundamentals (Mumbai Univ)
We are extremely happy to come out with a book “Android Developer Fundamentals” for S.Y.B.Sc. (Computer Science), Semester IV. This
Applied Mathematics – I (Mumbai Univ)
It gives me an immense pleasure to present the book on “Applied Mathematics – I” to students and teachers of
Applied Mathematics Sem III (Mumbai Univ)
Mathematics is undoubtedly the most important subjects. The book is written for the students to simplify the understanding and solve
Applied Physics – I (Sem 3, Mumbai Univ)
Third course in S.Y.B.Sc. course in each semester offers interdisciplinary application-oriented topics. This offers as a choice to all learners
Aquarium Management (Sem 1, BSc (Zoology), Mumbai Univ)
Welcome to the world of aquarium management—a captivating journey into the art and science of maintaining a thriving aquatic ecosystem.
Artificial Intelligence (Mumbai Univ)
It is a great pleasure for presenting First Edition of Revised syllabus of the Book “Artificial Intelligence” to the students
Assembly Language Programming (Sem 2, BSc IT Mumbai Univ)
This book is structured according to the F.Y. B.Sc. IT curriculum outlined in the NEP 2020. Students studying information technology
Assessment for Learning (Sem 2, Mumbai Univ)
Assessment for Learning is much-required subject in all teacher education courses. Its importance as a subject cannot be overemphasized for,