Auditing – I (Sem 5, Mumbai Univ)
After introducing the syllabus for B.Com. (Banking and Insurance) in the year 2014-15, new and exhaustive syllabus has been introduced
Auditing – I Sem V (Mumbai Univ)
It is a matter of great pleasure to present this new edition of the book on “Auditing I” to the
Auditing (Mumbai Uni)
It is a matter of great pleasure to present the first edition of this book on AUDITING to the students
Auditing Introduction Planning Paper I (Mumbai Univ)
It is a matter of great pleasure to present this new edition of the book on “Auditing Paper- I” to
Auditing Paper II
“It is an exciting time to be an accountant.” This is the way we’ve started our auditing lectures since the
Ballyavastha and Vikas बाल्यावस्था आणि विकास (Sem 1, BEd Mumbai Univ)
हे पुस्तक शैक्षणिक मानसशास्त्रावर शीर्षक “बाल्यावस्था आणि विकास” म्हणून लिहिलेले आहे. हे पुस्तक मुंबई विद्यापीठाचा अभ्यासक्रम दोन वर्षाच्या बी एड
Basic Statistical Tools in Chemistry (Sem 1, BSc Mumbai Univ)
As we all know that NEP-2020 is implemented from June 2024 to all the higher education institutions. Its gives immense
Basics of Financial Services (Mumbai Univ)
Today, Finance plays an imperative role in the economic development of any nation. India is not an exception to this.
Basics of Radio and Television (Sem 2, BAMMC Mumbai Univ)
The Book “Basics of Radio and Television”, is written as per the NEP syllabus prescribed by Mumbai University. It is
Bhartiya Theory of Management Styles (Sem 1, BCom Mumbai Univ)
We have great pleasure in presenting First edition “Bhartiya Theory of Management Styles” written for students of UG courses. The
Brand Building
Everyday, across the world, brands are being built, reinvented, refreshed or retired. Brand building is an exhaustive subject, which entails
Brand Building (Mumbai Uni)
This book is written while keeping in mind the requirement of the media students. Concepts mentioned in the syllabus are
Brand Building (Sem 5, Mumbai Univ)
This book is written while keeping in mind the requirement of the media students. Concepts mentioned in the syllabus are
Brand Management (Mumbai Univ)
We are pleased to present the book on “Brand Management” to the students of TYBMS (Semester – VI) University of
Brand Management (Sem 6, BAMMC Mumbai Univ)
It gives me immense pleasure to present this first revised edition of Brand Management to the teachers and students of
Business and Financial Journalism (Sem 5, Mumbai Univ)
It gives me great pleasure to present this book on Business and Financial Journalism to the students of Bachelor of
Business Communication – II (Mumbai Univ)
Being prepared for the world of work entails having good command of communication skills. The first real, business communication that
Business Communication (Mumbai Univ)
Globalisation and the emergence of new technologies has caused an increase in the importance of communication. What encompasses ‘Business Communication’
Business Economics
The present book Business Economics has been prepared for students of Third Year B.Com., Sixth Semester, University of Mumbai. The
Business Economics – I (Mumbai Univ)
The present book has been prepared for students of F.Y.B.Com., Semester I of University of Mumbai. The discussion in this