
Dr. K. Ramachandra

Dr. K. Ramachandra, has to his credit M.Com.(Rank Holder), MBA., DPM & IR, LLB., and Ph.D., and over two decades of teaching and research experience in the field of Commerce and Management disciplines. He was a High Court Advocate with strong base and exposure on business, taxation, and I PR trade laws. He has produced several Ph.Ds and M.Phils. He has published several International Research Papers in Journals, Magazines and Newspapers of Global Repute. Currently working as Professor and Head of the Department of Commerce and Management, Maharani`s Arts, Commerce and Management College for Women, Bangalore, a NAAC accredited `A` Grade College. A prolific writer and received wide spread acclaim for his power brand books - Services Management, International Finance, Indian Constitution, International Business Laws, Marketing, Research Methodology and the like. He also holds the position of Presidentship of Bangalore University Teachers` Council of Commerce and Management. He is a resource person visiting several B-Schools in India. He is a known personality among the teaching and student community. Formerly he worked as Professor and Head of the Department of Commerce and Management, Government Boys`College, Kolar, as mark of rural service. E-mail:

Books Of Dr. K. Ramachandra